Meet the ‘New’ Prefix – Mx.

Meet the ‘New’ Prefix – Mx.

I mention in my blog post, Donor Records Must-Haves, that an organization’s communication can only be as good as the data they have. Naturally, one of the first things donors see is how you address them. Having the wrong prefix or salutation associated with a donor...
Segmenting 101

Segmenting 101

A daily struggle nonprofit fundraisers and marketers face is how to make their audience (donors, volunteers, clients, etc.) feel seen while balancing the time and effort it takes to communicate with them. We all know that the more specified a communication piece is to...
Donor Records Must Haves

Donor Records Must Haves

I’ll say it every day – there is no greater tool in a nonprofit’s toolbox than their data. This statement remains true, regardless of the size of your organization. Capturing good data and maintaining healthy records are healthy habits that every organization...

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